9.2.12 Seneczko Family
I absolutely love this family. Their session took place in their family orchard. This will be a long blog post because I just couldn’t narrow it down. These kids are just too cute, each one unique. Aria the big sister is so grown up, polite and helpful. Roland is all boy, a climbing, smirking, giggling,…

8.7.12 Simpson Family
I have been so lucky to get to document many highlights of the Simpson family’s life this year. She graciously allowed (and trusted) me to capture not only her pregnancy but also the birth of her beautiful son. It was the opportunity of a lifetime and I will be forever grateful to her. She continues…

8.7.12 Baby Tessa
Baby girls are the sweetest thing in the whole world. Period. Tessa was certainly no exception. She was an angel. I typically try to be the calm voice of experience during a newborn shoot but this time I was out matched by her mama Sarah. I watched as she swung Tess with big swooping arm…